Taylor offers opportunities for master’s and doctoral students from any discipline and department to learn changemaking skills to bring to their practice, research and scholarship.
- Learn the basics of design thinking, explore social innovation and changemaking theory, and more.
- Students from other universities are welcome to join many of the non-curricular opportunities.
Graduate Student Opportunities
Additional Opportunities
GCHB 6700, Social Innovation Tools for Public health Professionals. Spring, Thursdays, 5:30-8 PM. Description: This course offers MPH (and other graduate) students a toolkit of human-centered design (HCD), systems-led leadership, complex systems thinking, and related social innovation to prepare the graduates to address complex societal problems while working together with others, and in domestic or international settings. Training in design-thinking for social impact is offered via hands-on workshops (the Fast 48), complemented by a theoretical framing and examples from public health. Students gain a deeper understanding of how change happens, and skills for understanding and addressing “wicked” problems. Students learn to map complex systems, identify entry-points, and reframe problems to work more creatively with community stakeholders.
NOTE: Students are required to join the Fast 48 weekend — see posted dates at https://taylor.tulane.edu/activities/design-thinking/. A $60 fee covers food and materials for the Fast 48.
Who can take this: The course is open to non-SPHTM graduate students, but be sure to check with your program in advance to get it pre-approved as an elective.

- Interested in collaborating or learning more about graduate student opportunities?
- Email us at taylor@tulane.edu.