Taylor Your Life is a career development lab that teaches students how to create a changemaking professional pathway with the mindset and toolkit of a designer.
We believe that life is a continuously evolving experience and any person, at any age, can redesign and iterate their life to design a life that is more TAYLORed to their personality, interests, and desire and ability to positively impact the world. If you are alive, you have the power to create and pivot and create a meaningful way to engage and contribute to your community.
The curriculum is broken up into a core set of modules for a nimble curriculum that you can adapt for one-time workshops, half semester, or full semester courses.
The COVID-19 pandemic and Summer 2020 protests for racial justice inspired a year of inquiry and deep reflective work. How might we design a life design curriculum that is more equitable and inclusive, builds community across difference, and meets the needs of online learners?
Click here for background and overview about the development of our new curriculum, which is available via the links below.
Instructor Guides
Guides to teach the class, including learning outcomes, pre-work for students, prep for instructors, and talking points for each PowerPoint slide.
PowerPoint Modules
Presentations to use in each class (matching the prep-material in the instructor guide)
Class Readings and Worksheets
Handouts, worksheets, and other resources used in the class. These items are hyperlinked in each instructor guide, but compiled in one place in this folder
Template Course
Link to course on Canvas Commons
*If this link does not directly link you to the course, search for “TYL template course” in Canvas Commons.”
Thank You
We would like to extend a special thank you to the Martini Education and Opportunity Trust, who supported the development of these materials.
Taylor Your Tulane is 1-credit life design lab that applies human-centered design (design thinking) mindsets and tools to support first-year students in designing a fulfilling college experience.
Additional materials
- Worksheets + Class Resources
- Instructor Checklist to prepare a new section of the course
- Template Course on Canvas Commons
*If this link does not directly link you to the course, search for “TYT Template course” in Canvas Commons.”
Taylor Your Tulane for Student Athletes
We believe that Generative AI will inevitably be a part of students’ working landscape, so teaching them how to ethically and responsibly use Generative AI is one of our core duties as a career educator.
The future of technology and the future of work will focus on our ability to hone and develop skills and embrace lifelong learning, which includes reskilling and upskilling to emerging technologies like AI.
With technology transforming the way we learn and work, our students have the unique opportunity to become early adopters and trailblazers in this new era of education. By combining their human creativity, empathy, and critical thinking and understanding with the power, speed, and efficiency of Generative AI, they can supercharge their skills in multiple domains, including research, creativity, writing, time management, critical thinking, and career exploration.
To support students on this learning journey, we created a series of ChatGPT prompting guides to get them started.
Read more:
The case for ChatGPT as the ultimate educator’s toolkit (Lang & Liu, 2023, eSchool News)
ChatGPT Prompting Guide (PDF Packet)
Packet of PDF Prompting Guides to help users utilize ChatGPT in an ethical and responsible way. Each PDF has a screenshot of a sample prompt and response.
ChatGPT Prompting Guide (Individual PDFs)
Individual PDF Prompting Guides to help users utilize ChatGPT in an ethical and responsible way. Each PDF has a screenshot of a sample prompt and response.
ChatGPT Prompting Guides (Excel Format)
Prompts from our PDF packet in Excel format to easily copy/paste into ChatGPT. See 12 different tabs, which each correspond to one of our visual PDF guides.
Curious about how you might be able to leverage AI in your life design classroom? Julia Lang (Tulane) & Dustin Liu (Stanford) made The Case for ChatGPT as the Ultimate Career Educator’s Toolkit in eSchool News.
View our accompanying ChatGPT Prompting Guide for Life Design and Career Educators below.
CC-NC License
All this material is licensed under a Non-Commercial Creative Commons license. This means: you are welcome to share, copy, adapt and redistribute the material but you must give appropriate credit and this material is only to be used for non-commercial purposes. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Julia Lang at jlang@tulane.edu.
Request for Feedback
We give this material freely and greatly appreciate your feedback.
Please let us know how you are using our materials and provide feedback here.
TYL Content Creation
TAYLOR Your Life was created after conducting extensive research in the field on best practices and current trends in innovative career development curriculum creation, including: Designing Your Life, the book co-written by professors of the most popular elective at Stanford University (Burnett & Evans, 2016); How to Get Any Job (Asher, 2011); How to Land Your Dream Job Right Out of College by Networking Like A Rockstar (Patel, 2014); Radical Acceptance, a mindfulness text (Brach, 2014); The Power Of Meaning (Esfahani-Smith, 2017); You Are a Badass (Sincero, 2013, Net Impact’s Career Development Program for undergraduate and graduate students; the Echoing Green and Ashoka U award winning Transformative Action Institute, which has been used at over 50 campuses including Harvard, Stanford and UCLA, (Sherman, 2015), and the Ashoka U award winning Work on Purpose curriculum.
Click here for assessment reports and other information about TYL.