May Design Thinking Breakfast with Glenn Fajardo
Friday, May 28, 2021
Glenn Fajardo led this month’s Casual breakfast series to meet new folks, practice using design, design thinking, other designerly approaches to create social impact.
“We need to design environments and habits to shift our attention…how do we design for shifts in attention?”
– Glenn Fajardo
About the Hosts

Glenn Fajardo connects to create. He is focused on the question of how we can be creative together when we are far apart and in different cultural contexts. He was the Stanford d.school’s Distributed Learning Teaching Fellow in 2020.
For 13 years, Glenn has been a practitioner of virtual collaboration, working with people and organizations across six continents engaged in social impact work. He specializes in teaching classes and workshops on how to collaborate virtually, such as Design Across Borders and Reimagining Campus Life for Today’s World. Glenn is the co-author (with Kursat Ozenc) of Rituals for Virtual Meetings: Creative Ways to Engage People and Strengthen Relationships.
Glenn was formerly the Director of the Co-Design Practice of the TechSoup Global Network at TechSoup, a nonprofit social enterprise founded on the belief that technology can be a powerful enabler for greater social change. Formally trained in nuclear engineering sciences and public policy, Glenn also plays electric bass and likes to cook in other people’s kitchens.

Niesha Ford is a second-year graduate student at the Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine. Niesha works with multiple organizations committed to causes such as: providing services for people experiencing homelessness, encouraging positive racial perspectives, and working with historically marginalized groups to combat the current COVID-19 pandemic.
So welcome everyone, thank you for being here with us today. I’m just going to give a little brief intro and then i’m going to hand it over to Niesha and our guests blend but my name is Julia Lang. I’m a professor of practice and the associate director of career education and life design, which basically means I do a lot of work, supporting students in building careers and businesses with social impact which is what we do at the Taylor Center we support folks in simply connecting their interests with the desire to somehow contribute to a social or environmental issue.
And this event that you’re here today, I know, we have some familiar faces, but this is part of our design thinking breakfast series, which is a casual and fun way to meet new folks at from all over practice using design and design thinking and we like to say “other designer-ly” approaches to create social impact. Each month we bring in a different guest, who is shares a little bit about their work and their approach to design thinking.
So today I’m very excited to have Glenn, Niesha will give a full introduction, but there will be time to mingle and engage with each other, as well as maybe learn a few new skills so as a reminder for folks or maybe for people who are new, this is not a lecture, it is a very casual gathering, in the hope to really just grow our design community. So feel free to speak up, drop notes in the chat, munch on your breakfast I have my bowl blueberries and strawberries, get some coffee, whatever you need to do to just take care of yourself and have fun in our next hour together.
So with that i’m going to hand it over to Niesha, who is our incredible design thinking GA she is the one that has done all the work and making today happen and it’s been just a pleasure to work with her and with that Niesha, tell us what we’re doing today or welcome, thanks.
Thanks Dr. Lang. Thank you everybody and welcome again to do to breakfast at our new time, our new summer time so thank you for all who are still able to join us with this time change. If you have come to DT breakfast before you know that my name is Niesha Ford, I am the Taylor Center GA and I used to say that I went to Tulane School of Public Health, but I have recently graduated so now, I have my Masters in Public Health and Tropical Medicine. I will still be doing this throughout the summer, so with that, I want to introduce our guest Glenn.
So Glenn Fajardo connects to create. He is focused on the question of how we can be creative together when we are far apart and in different cultural contexts. He was the Stanford D Schools distributive learning teaching fellow in 2020. For 13 years, Glenn has been a practitioner of virtual collaboration, working with people and organizations across six continents, engaged in social impact work.
He specializes in teaching classes and workshops on how to collaborate virtually such as design across borders and reimagining campus life for today’s world. Glenn is the co author of rituals of virtual meetings creative ways to engage people and strengthen relationships, which is definitely needed at least, virutal meetings. Glenn was formerly the director of the co design practice of the tech soup global network at tech soup and nonprofit social enterprise founded on the belief that technology can be a powerful enabler for greater social change.
Formally trained in nuclear engineering sciences and public policy, glenn also plays electric bass and likes to cook.
So with that I’m going to like Glenn take over, thank you.
Thank you Niesha and thank you Julia, for that very kind introduction. It’s really great to to be here today, and thanks so much for spending your Friday morning here or Friday evening aux Français, i’ll say so, like to say welcome and we’re going to begin with an activity right away off the bat. So what i’d like you to do is to think about what is one awkward thing that has happened to you in the last month. Or so well, what’s one awkward thing, it could be something that was like at work, you could be like at home, it could be like out in public, but what’s one awkward thing that happened to you the last month.
So give that a thought. Okay, so how would you tell the story of this one awkward thing, so imagine you’re telling the story to like a friend, how would you tell the story of this one awkward thing that happened to you? Give that a thought for about five seconds okay.
So we’re not gonna tell the whole story, but what we’re going to do is once you to think about what would be the last line of that story, and specifically i’d like you to think about it with his phrasing:
But it turns out that blank.
But it turns out that blank.
So give that a thought for about 10 seconds, but it turns out that blank.
So finally, don’t hit enter yet, but in the chat in zoom go ahead and type in the last line of your story, so it, but it turns out that blank so go ahead and take let’s take about like maybe 20 seconds to type that in again don’t hit enter just yet, but please do go ahead and type that into the chat in Zoom.
Okay, so if you’re typing please keep, keep typing what i’m gonna do is i’m going to count down from three and then we when we get to zero, I want everyone to hit enter.
Okay, so here we go 3 2 1 0 go ahead and hit enter for the chat.
Right now go ahead and scroll through the chat and kind of see what other people have written.
So i’m seeing a little, some laughs and reluctance smiles, like kind of that “uuuhp” okay kinda look. And what we’re doing here is to kind of peek a little bit of something, but i’m not going to say what it is, until we get later into it, but this is something about, there’s something about these kind of experiences that have to do with how we can make more engaging virtual interactions, but I wanted to start with an experience that kind of tweaked out like what that feels like and we’ll explain more as we go along.
So um i’d like to start with a quote, and it goes like this “humans are made for technological change our bodies and brains are designed to incorporate new tools into our activities, as if they were extensions of our bodies”. So we live in a time where there’s been a lot of like awkwardness adjustment and it’s been in a lot of ways, a really terrible time because of many different things, including the COVID19 pandemic, but it feels like a lot of things that we’ve been doing over the past year, year and a half, have been very unnatural, and what i’d like to suggest is that the way that people and technology interacted with something that is adaptive and it’s something that is not inherently natural at the start.
And the example I would use is like the telephone. So we think of like picking up the telephone and talking on the phone as, like a relatively natural thing, of course, is also generational because I, you know I’ve students who are like “talking on the phone and that’s a weird” like that’s a strange thing, but when the phone was first invented like there’s there’s a little story that kind of illustrates a broader point.
The way that we use tools is created, and when the phone was invented the idea of like picking up the phone and saying “hello”, which we think of as a very natural thing was not a natural thing at all actually the word Hello didn’t even mean a greeting at a time Hello meant to call attention to something to say like “hello, what do we have here” but Thomas Edison said, like Oh, when you pick up the phone, you should say hello, and he said, because you need to acknowledge that the phone has been picked up and that that you were hearing other person and, so, Alexander Graham Bell said yeah that’s true you should you should pick up the phone and say something, but shouldn’t be hello, it should be the word “Ahoy”.
And so we were like this close to saying like ahoy when we answer the phone versus saying hello, these things are these are social conventions that are invented and people get used to over time. And we’re in the middle of a time where where this is these things are being created for for virtual interactions and so as we start to, you know, hopefully come out of the COVID19 pandemic we’re not actually going to go back to the way things were because we’ve gotten very used to, virtual interactions and I think people want to get back to being in person, but I think we’re never going completely back to where we were. I think the future is forward instead of back and it’s it’s going to be more hybrid and more integrated and so we need to think about from a design perspective, like, how can we design for that.
So, my name is Glenn. I’ve been a practitioner gives you a virtual collaboration for 13 years as Niesha mentioned, and the reason why is i’ve been collaborating with social change makers across six continents and what I found with doing that over 13 years, starting in 2008 back when George W Bush was President that’s how long ago it was. I found that like great collaboration at at a distance is really tough nut to crack, and the reason why I care about, that is, that, I believe that if we cracked the nut of virtual collaboration we can create the inclusive to unleash our best thinking over time and being able to work with each other, regardless of where we are, regardless of what nation we resided in, regardless of what culture we live in. So the question is, for me, it’s always been like how might we be creative together when we’re far apart? And, as Niesha mentioned, I’ve been at the Stanford D School, I’ve been in the teaching community since 2014. I have taught a class with somebody on this call, which, I won’t say who but we both like somebody and I’ve taught classes like design cross borders and reimagined campus late 40s world which Niesha mentioned, and also the co author of this book rituals for virtual meetings, which I could co-wrote with my friend Kursat.
And so what i’d like to talk about today is a little bit from the book, this is a Chapter three and it’s about a secret science of virtual meetings, because I think this kind of gets at some fodder for design, to think about designing for a virtual and hybrid world. And so i’m going to start with this this question of, that I was really obsessed with by starting in about March of last year, I wanted to know like, why do some screens fatgue, while other screens intrigue? Why do some screens fatigue, while other screens intrigue?
You know all those triggers with a quick story. I was talking to my in March of 2020 and he told me at the end of the day, like after we’d gone, you know social distancing and everything went virtual for many people. He said, like you know client i’m so I have so much screen fatigue i’m so tired a bit more than seven hours straight of video meetings. And I said it’s really terrible I hope you’re able to get some rest, what are you going to do to relax tonight? And he said i’m going to binge watch netflix for all night and then I kind of pause and thought like wait, you just said, you have screen fatigue, and you’re going to watch netflix all night to relax? and he’s like yeah it is kind of like gave me that look, like what? what yeah? what’s what’s not to understand about nothing? That’s really interesting, and so I was thinking like, why do some screens fatigue and why do other screens intrigue.
If we think of if we start to like see the screen for you to think about what what goes into that and what are some of the things that we can learn from from netflix? I think it has to do with these topics of curiosity, chungking, and cuts and I will explain each each one real quick. And this is kind of leading up to an activity, but the the actual activity will you’ll be challenged to do something where you’re like what?
But I am not going to tell you what it is.
So with curiosity and time perception the the example that I use is Claudia Hammond from the BBC, if you read through a great book called Time Warped and she uses this example of, the vacation paradox, to explain like why this, why do we feel time differently, like when when we’re doing different things, because I think this this kind of tells us a little bit about.natalie pandemic life, but also about what kind of virtual life and she uses the example of like a vacations versus being sick so when you’re on vacation.
As you’re experiencing time in real time it feels like it’s going like really, really fast, but when you look back at it. It feels like you have like a ton of memories that happened, like every like it feels really long, in retrospect that it feels really fast as you’re in real time as you’re going through it, whereas being sick is the exact opposite like being sick. When you are sick, it feels like it’s going really, really like slow sync forever, but when you look back and it feels like three weeks that just flew by but you do that we’re kind of like almost like lost week’s, and the reason why is has to do with how we experience novelty.
So the way our brains work is like if if we experience novelty, it feels, the simplified version of the explanation is that it makes us feel like time is going faster in real time, but we look back at it, it triggers more memories into our brain.
So we can sort of think about that and then and then this idea of like chungking and event models is that movies, and other narrative functions go further because we don’t remember things as like a continuous run of memory, but there are different like cues that help provide, like trigger like okay this happened this happened, and this happened so with films or books, they provide like cues that that help us sort of chunk our memories that trigger like here’s one thing here’s another thing here’s another thing, and then that makes our memory of like film or netflix or books, like a lot stronger than it is of real life and interesting interesting to learn about this from for our virtual world.
And then, finally, like with this idea of cuts I think it’s easier to explain through an example, so what i’m going to do is i’m going to show a clip and it’s about a 62nd clip and i’m going to ask you a question afterwards and let’s go ahead and roll the clip.
*Video starts of the Matrix, red pill blue pill*
To see it for yourself.
This is your last chance.
After this there’s no turning back.
You take the blue pill, the story ends you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want.
You take the red pill you stay in Wonderland.
And I show you how deep the rabbit hole.
All I’m offering is the truth, nothing more.
*Video ends*
Okay, so that is from a movie called the Matrix which may have you might have seen as the famous red pill or blue pill scene.
But the question when they asked you is how many cuts were there in that 65 second clip? So a cut is like a switch from one shot to another shot. So we’ll make it this a multiple choice question.
There are three choices, the first one, are there, six to 10 cuts.
Choice B is either 11 to 15 cuts choice see is are there 16 or more cuts so go ahead and in the chat go ahead and chat in your guess.
A lot of people are all on it, a lot of c’s and b’s.
Okay advanced crowd so the, the answer is actually C, there were 18 cuts in that 65 second clip.
So if you do the math, if you divide like 65 by 18. The exact number is important, but like he starts to give you an order of magnitude of like how quickly movies cut. And the reason why that’s interesting for the purpose of virtual is it points to this a really simple way of how we look at the world, which is that we’re constantly shifting our attention, like that is our natural state of being like we’re not really designed to like stare at the same thing for like a talking head, the same talking head for, you know, five minutes on end, that’s just not what our brains are actually wired to like constantly shift our attention, so we need to design environments, and our habits, to be able to ship that attention as well, so these are just like a few things of like fodder for like how we can design virtual environments and think about things like a you know cuts, how do we it’s not cuts per se but it’s like, how do we design for shifts in attentio, in desirable ways.
We need to think about chungking, like what are ways to provide cues that different things have started and stopped, and we need to think about constantly picking curiosity. Like what are ways in which we can we can peak curiosity using things that we learned from like narrative, film, from books, etc, so when we combine those concepts of curiosity, chunking and cuts, we can combine those with afforded says, and like what are like what are the different action possibilities that are possible in person and in virtual. So I like to compare this with potatoes and rice.
So we’ve made up these characters in the book called that in person potato and virtual race. And they’re both carbohydrates, they both can be good for you, they can both be tasty but in the serve like similar similar nutritional needs in a lot of ways. So if you try to cook them the same way, though it’s probably gonna come up pretty terrible. If you put a bunch of potatoes into a rice cooker, I suppose, in theory, you could do that, and it would work, but you’d have, that’s not really the way you would you would do it.
And with rice, if you just do like a bunch of rice into like an oven and try to bake it, that would not come out well. So we need to think about what are the different possibilities in these different contexts, and this is what you’re gonna be playing with in just a second.
So, we can explore these affordances, with them in virtual because we’re not as used to doing, that in virtual yet, as we are in person, so want to give like sort of three examples of kind of messing around with with affordances, and seeing how we can use them differently. The first one is about virtual backgrounds, which which many of you may use, but like what if the virtual background and wasn’t a background, but was actually like a way of communicating like a message? So let’s say you were running a workshop, and then you wanted to indicate that time was up.
If you made a virutal background on that say, like time is up, there you go, like that’s a virtual background just made in Google slides, imported as an image and then and then using that to like convey messages.So that’s an example of like using affordance called, you know virtual backgrounds, for a completely different means and what it was intended for. What are different ways to do that. The second example is around motion synchronization So how can we, how can we activate physicality like when we’re virtual and where we’re different places and here i’ll show an example of something that might my students, one of my student groups do, this was from back and fall, and this is how they would begin their team meetings and hopefully I won’t blow people’s ears off here.
*Video starts playing*
*Video ends*
Okay, so I want to interrupt this presentation, for an important message. And this is not about goofing off so there’s there’s actually a science behind this, even though we were kind of playing around and doing different things. Two of the things that are happening, in what they are doing, which they didn’t know at the time were happening, this is this is this is kind of the underlying science.
Is that we’re activating the idea of synchrony and so non verbal synchrony is like a really important thing, and like, how will have conversations and this is a lot of what people are are missing from being in person. And so it turns out that synchrony can be implemented by design. And so, if you think a really simple examples like people applauding together, like when people applaud together, that’s a physical action that creates like a moment of togetherness. And what my students are doing that and activating that is their critical moment of togetherness, by doing this dance, together with going through similar similar moves.
And then the other thing that the students are doing here is we’re activating like gesture and mirroring, and so we understand each other’s bodies can and actions through our own bodies in like this idea of mirroring means that from up garbage perceived like that the bodies of others gets internalized in our minds and our bodies get internalizing in theirs.
So triggering these things around synchrony and gesture just by dancing and so there’s there’s a lot of underlying science and psychology to why these things work, the way that they do. So that’s an example of an affordance of like playing with physicality and seeing like how you could do that. And then the third example is called past the action, this is an example from, actually, for my family and I had a nice Diana, who at the time was turning four, now she’s five, but she was four at the time, and this was at the beginning of the pandemics her birthday is March and the question was you know how can a four year old blow the candles when her cousin is, you know 3,000 miles away, across the country?
So this is what my cousin, my nieces and nephews keep up with. So that’s Diana, in the bottom left and then her cousin Melis in the upper left, and then so they they just do this thing where they kind of pass the action in the frame. I’m not sure that Diana really knew what was going on, but like but she was kinda delighed by it and so was her brother, Addison.
So what we are going to do now. We are going to kinda build off of these ideas and we are going tto do an activity called new sensition. And you are going to be put into breakout rooms of about 3-4 people each and what you’re going to do, is the following:
You are going to design a shared experience that engages the census of touch, smell, and or taste, when you’re not in the same room. So here’s the twist that I haven’t talked about this much at all, the constraint here is activating touch, smell, or taste.We tend to kind of overdose on like visual and audio like in in virtual interactions but are there ways that we can engage touch smell and taste when you’re not in the same room.
So what you’ll do is you’ll be in a breakout group you’re going to not only design that experience, but you’re also going to do that experience, and recorded so Niesha has enabled recording in Zoom so we want you to record that final experience you have created it. Then so after you’ve done that, like want you to debrief the experience, like what did you notice about doing it ? like what surprise you, and why?
So, as show of hands before we send you off into breakout rooms, do you folks want to hear examples first or do you want to kind of try it first and then see the examples afterwards? What would you like to do?
So who wants to see the examples first, raise your hands?
Okay, no it’s okay, no one’s raising your hands okay, awesome.
I want to see them, but I know I should try it first.
Okay, thank you Rebecca so, thats. Okay so people are against biasing like which is, which is good. This is awesome. Okay so we’ll show the examples afterwards so again, but you’ll have a total of 15 minutes. So, I recommend that you keep time and the recommended time allocation is five minutes for design, five minutes to do it and record it and then five minutes to debrief the experience.
So don’t forget to recorded and will explain like how to share the recording with when when you get back. So before we send off to breakout rooms any any questions about the activity. Okay, great so they should can we go ahead and send folks to breakout rooms and then we will be back at let’s just say, to make the timing easy let’s just say like at 20 after will will return to the main room.
All right, welcome back everyone hope you had a good time.
Maybe let’s hear from one, one group that is excited to share what they did. So do we have any volunteers if you’d like to just kind of very briefly explain what happened and how it felt.
I can share.
Yeah go for it
So we rapidly arrived at that books have a number of you know, like feeling, as well as smell aspects to them. So what we did was we we took we all went and grabbed a book that we wanted to share.
And then first person shared it, said what they liked about the book and then they fanned it at the screen and as they did that everybody else fanned it at their own face the book that they were holding, so there was kind of a i’m fanning you with my book and you’re feeling the air, at the same time.
Is sort of like a past the action, you know experiencing something else that somebody else’s initiating and then they would pass it to the next person to describe a book and then fan the room, with their book as well.
Oh, that that is that that’s awesome Daniel that that is really, really really cool one. Maybe let’s share, by the way, Im totally stealing that Daniel just so you know. Thank you.
Maybe one more, what’s another example of something that’s folks did.
Okay, I can speak for our group, we pretend that we were at a botanical garden, and we all went and got flowers that we had in our house. So we can smell our flowers and we could smell each other’s flowers and we were like walking through the garden talking about what we were seeing together and you.
No, that’s awesome Thank you Charity. I love that one as well, like cool hey that’s great it’s cool that that that every everyone has like seeing an object that many people might have like like flowers.
All, so thank you for those those those examples and hope everyone had, agood time with that and just kind of it’s really about the exploration of like, how can we start to activate like touch, smell, and taste and also thinking about things like synchrony and how we can design those into experiences.
I’ll show an example of what some of my students did last fall with with this exercise, and yeah it’s kind of hard to explain so i’ll just i’ll just roll the video it’s about a minute long.
*Video starts playing*
The moment is approaching and i’m like oh I regret.
I know same.
We can taste it first and maybe they take a little taste and then, and then we put it in our hand and then we smell it
Yeah Mia, does it sound like the ocean
We said yes.
I’m tasting it
I’m listening.
Who is the first person to put in their hand? Yeah brandon.
Oh my gosh.
Vincent I feel you
Just twist it around a little bit too.
What’s the difference here, like I have smooth peanut butter, because I hate crunchy peanut butter
I really want to wash my hands right now
I really want to watch my hands too
Can we do that?
Yeah, lets do that
*Video ends*
Yeah see if the moral of the story is like, if you if you let students into breakout rooms with this exercise, they start playing with peanut butter, but it was it was really was really interesting about like about like how they took this thing that, they felt like, how can I experienced this common object of peanut butter and engage my senses differently than I have been and in a way that I haven’t done before. So it was it’s it’s just interesting like the things that people come up with when in trying these things out so, that’s is, oh sorry.
We’re not gonna watch peanut butter again hold on.
Let me.
Okay, so so sorry about that i was in this groundhog day peanut butter there for a second.
So thank you for your time and attention today. We have like about five minutes left for any questions and also feel free to contact me, my email address is glenn.fajardo@gmail.com , the book is called rituals for virtual meetings and If you can, i’d love for folks who recorded, so please share your recording with me at this email address and then what i’ll do is i’ll put it together into like a private playlist or I might edit it together as well, but in one form or another we put together and share it out to the group, but does anybody before we go does anybody have any any questions?
I have a question.
yeah go for it
what’s the worst mistake that people make in virtual meetings?
What is the worst mistake? Wow that’s a great question.
Say more, like what would, when you say worst mistake what what kinds of things were you thinking about?
When I asked the question?
I just, I find myself doing this in person meetings realizing that, like the kind of collaboration that people try to make space for isn’t usually collaborative. I go to a lot of public meetings in particular about about projects, and so I was thinking about, I guess, people are commenting nice things in the chat to I guess being talked at all the whole time.
Mhm, yeah I think. Thanks Nellie for the really great question. I think, this may not be answering your question, but I think there’s something weird people like romanticize in person meetings and they think that that in person meetings were like run really well and they kind of blame everything on the virtual aspect of it.
And there’s part of me reacts to it and I come from a public policy background and have attended like a lot of meetings. And I am thinking like no, it’s just that you’re meeting sucks.
The problem is not the, I think when people make this virtual like kind of be the thing to blame for everything, I think that’s the biggest mistake that people make. And so what’s what’s interesting is you know, yes we’re not used to virtual like there’s a lot of things we need to figure out there’s their ways definitely ways, in which the design of the technology can be improved, but if you change your mindset from “this is going to stop” or “in person is inherently better”, it completely frees up like how you can think of engagement and how you can think of ways that the media can be connected to be more inclusive and engaging.
So I think that’s the biggest mistake that people make is just assuming that it’s going to be worse and then that becomes a self fulfilling prophecy.
You sort of, just based on that response I’m sort of curious about your thoughts on whether there’s something about in person meetings that makes people more willing to accept really ineffective approaches?
Oh yeah, a willingness to accept ineffective approaches.
I think my guess is this is just a guess Daniel like is that it’s familiarity more than anything else. It’s just like if you’re used to ineffective approaches and effective approaches come like with you, showing up in a you know, showing up at at City Hall, or you know, wherever you know, whatever the context of the meeting might be like you’re just like “Oh, this is the way it is”.
Versus when when you’re presented with like a novel situation or something that’s new like if you if you’re not used to being on video calls and suddenly in March of 2020 you run a bunch then, you perceive like oh it’s because of “this”, you know it’s it’s I guess the analogy, I use is kind of like there’s an influx of immigration into a town and there’s something that was always wrong about that town, but then now like that’s the immigrant’s fault, like that that that’s the reason why. It’s kind of like, the brain science I would think of something around like we think like “Oh, this is the new thing and i’m going to associate this new thing with this other thing it’s always been there, but I just haven’t noticed it.”
I do want to be cognizant of time I see there’s more questions so if you have to go definitely feel free to go, thank you all for coming. I can stay on for a few more minutes, so people can finish asking their questions, but I did just want to quickly say you know, thank you all for coming and also thank you Glenn, for you know, you know, being here and giving this wonderful presentation.
Yeah, absolutely thanks everyone for coming and if you have any questions that we weren’t able to get today, please do feel free to reach out to me at my email and a happy to either chat over email or we can schedule a live chat as well, I can in real time if that’s if that’s helpful.
Thank you everyone, and please do join us for the next design thinking breakfast which is coming up on June 25 and I just dropped the Info about that in the chat as well.
Thank you everyone.
About Design Thinking Breakfast
- Design Thinking Breakfast is a series of casual events that will be moving to an online format until further notice … and breakfasts will be BYOC – ‘Bring your own coffee’.
- The goal is to learn from each other. The format will evolve as we learn, together, what might be most valuable (and enjoyable!) to us all. Breakfasts will include both time to mingle and one or two quick activities to foster knowledge-sharing or community-building.
- The DT breakfasts are open to all. No DT experience is required.
- Come with an open heart and mind and prepare to learn and share with others in the local, regional, and international DT community.
- Please invite anyone who would enjoy both sharing with and learning from other practitioners and educators in the greater New Orleans area, the Gulf South, and connecting with other people in the local, regional and international design thinking community.
- When: One Friday each month.
- Cost: Free
- Contact: nford@tulane.edu