Highlights from the October Social Innovation Conversation: From Faculty Member to Nonprofit Director
The second Social Innovation Conversation of the 2020-21 academic year brought in two Tulane faculty members to share their interesting journeys from faculty members to directors of non-profit organizations with socially innovative missions.
Dr. Shannon Blady and Dr. Mallory Monaco Caterine, who hold Professorships in Social Entrepreneurship, provided insights into the challenges and opportunities they encounter, as well as the tools and strategies they use as non-profit leaders.
Dr. Mallory Monaco Caterine is a Professor of Practice in Classical Studies. She is a Co-director and a founding member of Kallion, a non-profit organization whose mission is to design and develop communities around the study of humanities and unlock the human talent capable of developing creative, benevolent, and lasting improvements to our common condition.
Dr. Shannon Blady is a Professor of Practice at Tulane’s Teacher Preparation and Certification Program. She serves as the Executive Director of AfterCLASS, a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide professional, emotional, and social support to local educators and elevate the profession of teaching.
The virtual audience enjoyed stories of starting an organization from the ground-up, balancing faculty responsibilities with community leadership roles, and the various ways to innovate during challenging times.
Event Information
Social Innovation Conversations are a project of the Taylor Center’s Research and Scholarship team.