Supporting Changemaking Faculty
Professorships at the Taylor Center provide faculty support for interdisciplinary endeavors in social innovation & social entrepreneurship.
Each Professorship is granted to a faculty member whose areas of research, teaching, creative pursuits, or community activities can be linked to social entrepreneurship, social innovation and/or changemaking.
These faculty colleagues are expected to meaningfully engage with the Taylor Center during their professorship. For example, current and past professors have:
- Established social entrepreneurship related courses.
- Served on award funding committees.
- Mentored student social ventures.
- Hosted roundtable discussions for students.
- Published and presented social innovation related research at conferences.
Selected Professors will be granted an initial three-year term, renewable for an additional two-year term upon mutual agreement.
Eligibility requirements include the following criteria:
- Hold an appointment as a full-time member of the faculty (i.e., tenured, tenure track, clinical track, or professor of practice track) at Tulane University
- Have a strong record of scholarship and accomplishment and the desire to engage work through a social entrepreneurship and/or social innovation lens.
- Have the willingness to work across disciplines to help promote innovation across the university.
- Share an interest in engaging with Changemakers on campus.
- Nominations (including self-nominations) will be treated in confidence, shared with the selection committee alone.
- Candidates should provide their CV and a letter of interest (no more than two pages).
- Current SE Professors, the Director of Taylor Center, and staff/faculty from the SISE minor will participate in the selection process.
- Prior to the interview of finalists, each will be asked to provide a written proposal outlining his/her proposed involvement based on the Taylor Center’s needs and the applicant’s unique strengths, areas of interest, and expertise he/she can bring to the Center.
- Appointment to the Social Entrepreneurship Professorship will be made by the Provost after his consideration of the review and recommendations by this committee.
Privileges and Benefits of the Title
- Appointment as a Social Entrepreneurship Professor does not change the nature of the formal appointment or tenure of a faculty member.
- Within the constraints of available resources, Social Entrepreneurship Professors each receive at total between $7,500 and $12,000 annual during their term. The totals vary depending on the endowment totals for each professorship. These funds may be used for course developments, course buy-outs, research or practice opportunities, and various social entrepreneurship activities. SE Professors discuss their plans for the use of funds with the Taylor Center Director. Up to one month of summer salary (1/9 of total salary for full-time faculty) may be directed toward a specific social entrepreneurship project. In such a case, the SE Professor must submit and proposal for review and approval by the Director.
- Social Entrepreneurship Professors have the opportunity to promote their social entrepreneurship endeavors through cross-departmental, cross-School, and/or university-wide activities. Social Entrepreneurship Professors can also coordinate with other faculty, SISE instructors, and Taylor staff in support of their work.

- If you would like more information on the Social Entrepreneurship Professorship, email Kenneth Schwartz at