How to Design Your College Experience
How can you get the most out of college? It’s not by thinking of college as something to navigate or get through. It’s by designing your own experience. Design is about understanding people, thinking holistically to make connections, trying things out, and learning along the way. With this mindset, skills, and tools, you can design a college experience where you feel connected and supported, find your program and career path, and take full advantage of what college has to offer.
On January 24th from 12:30-2 PM, Elliot Felix, author of How to Get the Most Out of College and consultant to more than 100 colleges and universities, will lead an interactive workshop on designing your college experience. He will present evidenced-based tips and student stories from his book so you can use evidence-based strategies to inform your everyday decisions about where to live, what courses to take, how to select class projects, how to seek support, how to find belonging, and how to explore career paths. Then, he’ll lead students through an interactive activity to map out their ideal college experience using the Student Experience Canvas so students can work toward their future and get the most out of college.
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