Apply to the 2020 International Social Innovation Research Conference
Researchers can now apply to present at the twelfth annual International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC). Heralded as “the world’s leading interdisciplinary social innovation research conference,” ISIRC 2020 will be held on September 1-3, 2020 in Sheffield, England.
Jay Friedlander, from fellow changemaker campus, the College of the Atlantic, and Dr. Laura Murphy, Taylor’s Associate Director of Research and Scholarship, co-chair ISIRC’s Design Thinking and Beyond stream. Read the specifics of the “Design Thinking & Beyond” stream (pdf)
Interested in learning about what an ISIRC conference is like? Read about the Taylor Team’s trip to Glasgow for ISIRC 2019
Submissions to present a paper or a panel close on Feb 28th. Visit isircconference2020.com or @isirc2020 for details of paper and panel submissions and how to apply.