Tulane Admissions Blog: “10 Cool Classes”
Jeff Schiffman, Director of Admission at Tulane University, is well known for his Admission Blog. Recently TYLR 3000 was highlighted in his article “Ten Cool Classes“.
Learn how to approach your future with the mindset and toolkit of a designer. TAYLOR Your Life is an innovative career development lab that teaches students how to ideate multiple life paths, clarify their interests, focus and target their search, protoype and test elements of careers that interest them, market and brand themselves to stand out from the crowd, and map their community to effectively join the network of movers and shakers in their field.
About Life Design at the Taylor Center
Created by Julia Lang, Taylor life design courses teach students to “TAYLOR” their life through the application of methods and mindsets of design thinking (human-centered design) to career development. Taylor Center life design instructors come from varied academic backgrounds and teach students from every school at Tulane. To learn more about the Taylor Center’s approach to life design education, read Julia Lang’s Ten Frameworks of Life Design Education.
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